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Vague language is a very special linguistic phenomenon. Vague language has important communication function in daily life. News is one of the major media outlets of contemporary communication and one of the main ways for the masses to obtain latest information. In the process of disseminating information, some news languages are often blurred. The use of vague language has ensured the accuracy and objectivity of the news coverage. In this paper, on the premise of understanding related pragmatic theories, this paper analyzes the vague language phenomenon and its pragmatic function in the actual news report, and also analyzes its advantages and disadvantages.


Keywords: vague language; news; pragmatic theories; pragmatic functions





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1The concept of vague language-2

2.2 The characteristics of the news.-3

2.3 The role of vague language in news report-3

2.4 Cooperative principle-4

2.5 Relevance theory-5

3. The Reasons for the Existence of Vague Language in the News Report.-5

3.1 The objective of nature is ambiguous in itself.-5

3.2 Human cognition is limited and the thinking is ambiguous.-6

3.3 Language is inherently ambiguous-6

3.4 Characteristics of the news itself require vagueness.-6

4. An Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of News Vague Language-7

4.1 The advantages of vague language in the news-7

4.2 The disadvantages of vague language in the news-9

5. Conclusion-10
