
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(龚老师)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-20
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In international business, trading parties will sign English Business Contracts after confirming the trading relations. However, due to the difference in language and culture, they often have disputes. The study of lexical repetition in English Business Contracts can reduce disputes arising from improper wording. First, this thesis introduces the definition and structure of English Business Contracts. On the basis of the definition and classifications of lexical repetition, the thesis mainly discusses the application of lexical repetition in different parts of English Business Contracts. And with the analysis of examples, the thesis finds that lexical repetition in English Business Contracts can help to avoid ambiguity and make the text formal. Finally, the thesis concludes that in the English Business Contracts, the function of lexical repetition can promote our country's international trade exchanges and cooperation.


Key Words: English Business Contract; lexical repetition; study





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. English Business Contract-3

3.1 Definition of English Business Contract-3

3.2 Structure of English Business Contract-3

4. Lexical Repetition in English Business Contract Text-4

4.1 Definition of lexical repetition-4

4.2 Classifications of lexical repetition-5

5. Analysis of Lexical Repetition in English Business Contracts-6

5.1 Lexical repetition in the beginning part-6

5.2 Lexical repetition in the body part-9

5.3 Lexical repetition in the tail part-10

6. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-14
