
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(龚老师)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-20
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In the social environment, language,as a mirror,can reflect people's customs, ethics and values. The masses summarize and refine proverbs in social practice, which is not only a treasury of folk literature, but also the connotation of language. English proverbs serve as a vital part of English language, reflecting the conditions of a nation's geography, history, social system, etc. The unequal social phenomenon in English proverbs can be found everywhere, and especially the gender discrimination is fully reflected.

Based on the analysis of the sexism phenomenon in English proverbs, the thesis analyzes the causes of this inequality from the historical background, cultural heritage, social consciousness and individual causes, and discusses the change and development trend of the phenomenon of gender discrimination. The thesis aims at changing the old ideas about sexism and improving people's consciousness so as to help people reduce, even eliminate the sexism in the daily life and expect to be helpful for further study in the future.


Keywords: English proverbs; sexism; causes






2.Literature Review1

3.The Phenomenon of Sexism in English Proverbs 2

3.1 Women’s social role and status.2

3.2 Marriage .3

3.3 Women’s words and behavior.4

3.4 Women’s wisdom and mentality5

3.5 Women’s characters5

4.Causes of Sexism7

4.1 Historical reasons7

4.2 Cultural origin.7

4.3 Social factors.8

4.4 Individual causes.10

5.The Development Trend of Sexism in English Proverbs10


Works Cited.12
