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Of all the imported or introduced films, English animated films appeal to an increasing number of children and even adults because they boast exquisite stories, educational themes, vivid design of characters and the humorous lines. The E-C translation of animated film subtitles plays an important and irreplaceable role in enjoying watching films. And successful subtitle translation can narrow the language and cultural gap. Therefore, Studying the E-C translation of animated film subtitles has practical significance. From the perspective of Skopostheorie, this thesis based on the animated film Big Hero 6 is aimed at studying the E-C translation strategies of animated film subtitles. Meanwhile, this thesis will analyze the E-C translation purposes of animated film subtitles, which refers to entertaining audiences, attracting audiences’ attention and reflecting characters’ personality. The methods on E-C translation that is concluded by the author will have inspiration function to the future researchers.


Keywords: Skopostheories; translation strategies; English animated films






2.Literature Review1

2.1 Studies on Skopostheorie1

2.2 Studies on subtitle translation.3

3.The Purpose of subtitle Translation of Animated Film.4

3.1 To amuse children.4

3.2 To attract children’s attention5

3.3 To reveal character’s individuality5

4.Subtitle Translation Strategies under the Guidance of Skopostheorie: A Case Study of Big Hero Six6

4.1 A brief introduction to the film Big Hero Six6

4.2 Subtitle translation strategies6

4.2.1 Rewriting for amusement.7

4.2.2 Ellipsis12

4.2.3 Using rhetorical skill13


Works Cited.15

