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On the basis of the review of the western and Chinese aesthetic translation researches, the thesis uses both case study and comparative analysis methods to make study of Xu Yuanchong’s and other translators’ versions of Li Bai’s poems from the perspective of Three-Beauty Principle, which aims to justify Xu Yuanchong’s Three-Beauty Principle is not only applied in the translation of Li Bai’s poems, but also has practical value on the translation activity of classical Chinese poems. What’s more, it is significant to apply aesthetic theory to the poetry translation for it can help us better understand the translation activity. 


Keywords: analysis; poetry translation; Li Bai’s poems; Three-Beauty Principle






2.Literature Review2

2.1 Previous studies on translation aesthetics .2

2.2 Previous studies on C-E translation of Li Bai’s poems.3

3.Xu Yuanchong’s Three-Beauty Principle..4

3.1 Beauty in sense.4

3.2 Beauty in sound.5

3.3 Beauty in form.5

4.Applications of “Three-Beauty Principle” in the Translation of Li Bai’s Poems..6

4.1 The reproduction of beauty in sense.6

4.2 The reproduction of beauty in sound7

4.3 The reproduction of beauty in form....9

5. Conclusion11

Works Cited.13
