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In recent years, Chinese has developed rapidly, Chinese food is well-known all over the world and its culture is famous. It causes that China and Foreign Countries exchange their cultures frequently. China is different from west countries in culture and concept, So Chinese food translating is the most important mission. Dishes translation quality directly affects the Chinese food industry into the global market. Chinese Food translating successfully or not has become propriety for all. The Chinese has a long history food culture. Every aspect of the Chinese people’s daily lives is closely linked to eating. However, western diets are not rich enough; their table manners and dining utensils are of wide varieties. They probably both have their merits. This article elaborates from the Chinese food translation and offers some suggestions as to how to translate the names of the dishes. 


Keywords: Chinese dish name; translation method; food cultural differences;cross-cultural communication





1. Introduction-1

2. Rendering Principles of Chinese Dishes-2

2.1 Avoiding Cultural Misunderstanding-2

2.2 Evading Cultural Taboo-2

2.3 Retaining Chinese traits-3

3. Diet cultural difference between east and west-3

3.1 Differences in concept-4

3.2 Differences of the banquet etiquette-4

3.3 Differences of food culture-5

3.4 Differences of menu-6

4. Some approaches for interpreting Chinese dishes into English-7

4.1 Literal Translation-8

4.2 Liberal Translation-8

4.3 Transliteration-9

4.4 Combined Translation-10

4.5 Methods of Preparation-11

5. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13
