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The Hunger Games are science fiction film series which are adapted from the novels written by Susan Collins, including three sections: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay (part 1&part 2), which were released separately on 2012, 2013 and 2015. The movie series, especially the heroine, Katniss, attract many people’s eyes. This essay will study the image of Katniss from a new angle—the anti-hero image.

The main contents are divided into three parts. The first is focused on Katniss’s anti-hero image by analyzing her physical traits, including her clothing change in different identities, and her personality traits, which emphasizes on her independence and bravery, decisiveness and resistance to the rules. The second part explains the reasons for her change into an anti-hero, including social and family background. The last part interprets the values of Katniss’s anti-hero image for her feminist pursuit and subversion of traditional female images.


Keywords: the hunger games; Katniss; anti-hero






2.Literature Review2

3.The Analysis of Katniss’s Anti-hero Image.4

3.1 Katniss’s physical traits4

3.2 Katniss’s mental traits.6

4.The Reasons for the Physical and Mental Changes of Katniss..8

4.1 Social background8

4.2 Family background..9

5.The Values of Katniss’s Anti-hero Image..9

5.1 Feminist pursuit10

5.2 Subversion of traditional female image.10

6. Conclusion..11

Works Cited13
