
资料分类:农业大学 VIP会员(刘教授)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-25
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关键字:青春期  性教育  实施


Abstract: Adolescence is one of life's most important periods in the teens, physiological and psychological mature process, they began rapid development, the body of consciousness, they desire and start germination and would like to know the heterosexual contacts sexual knowledge, but also fear might be found or ridicule. In real life, they often feel puzzled, anxiety or impulse because they have no science guide into temptation. In adolescent teenagers, need them to relevant physiological, psychological, sex education of morality, etc. This article through to our junior high school education status of adolescent sex survey and relevant survey data analysis, elaborated the middle adolescence education present situation and the existence question, junior high students love to heterosexual contacts and opinions, junior high sexual attitudes and sexual moral status and junior high school students obtain knowledge of sex way and they wish to understand sexual knowledge, etc. And according to the survey, pertinently put forward the middle adolescence sex education principles and methods, explore suitable for China's national conditions of high school the effective way of adolescent sex education, thus help adolescents smoothly through adolescence and healthy growth. 

Key word: adolescence   sex education    implementation

