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关键词:沉水植物; 金鱼藻; 重金属; 火焰原子吸收光谱法; 吸收作用


Key Words: In this study, through the submerged plant Ceratophyllum demersum submerged plants scavenging effect on the absorption of heavy metal ions under different conditions imposed in the indoor use of heavy metal ion solution of water culture. The experiments were set up in different culture days (intervals of 1, 3, 6 days) and different concentrations of heavy metals (3mg / L and 30 mg / L), the experimental group (set both the control and 3-group parallel).I studied heavy metals Cr, Pb content in water and algae by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The results showed that: As the days grew ,the heavy metals Cr ,Pb in water dropped gradually as well as heavy metals Cr ,Pb  in the submerged macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum increased gradually . And I also found that the higher heavy metals Cr, Pb content in water ,the lower the hornworts’ absorption of heavy metals Cr. Cr in water dropped from 7.123mg / L to 2.289mg / L,4.834mg / L reduction under the background that it’s in time of 15 days and the concentration  3mg / L in case ;and Cr content in hornworts increased from  0.109mg / L rose to 5.86mg / L, 5.751mg / L rise under the same conditions . Conclusion: Ceratophyllum demersum has better absorption of heavy metal ions can be used as clear water heavy metal ion contamination of plant selection.

Abstract:submerged plant; horworts; heavy metal; flame atomic absorption spectrometry; 
