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摘要:秦淮河江宁段是秦淮河的源水区,其河流水质情况对整个流域的水质有重要影响。文章依据《地表水环境质量标准 GB3838-2002》的指标设定监测断面,对各监测断面进行采样,按照国标法要求对各项水质指标进行测定。通过对秦淮河江宁段枯水期其主要支流和干流水质常规项目的测定和分析,得出以下结论:1、秦淮河江宁段主要支流符合Ⅳ类水质要求,而其干流符合Ⅳ水质要求;2、秦淮河江宁段在枯水期水质指标测定中,支流水质对干流的水质无影响;3、秦淮河水质改善的过程中,需要从改善上游和支流水质方面入手。



Abstract:the Jiangning segment is the source of the Qinhuai River , the river water quality has important influence on the whole basin. In this paper, set monitoring section according to the indexs of <Environmental quality standards of surface water GB 3838-2002>,take monitoring samples, operate according to the national standard method demands on water quality. Through the measure and analysis of river water quality regular projects of the river main tributaries and the Jiangning period in the dry season. It is concluded that the results: 1、The river main tributaries section is up to Ⅳ class water quality requirements, and so is the Jiangning period; 2、In the study of Qinhuai river water quality indexes in jiangning section, the main tributaris have little influence on the Jiangning period. 3、the Qinhuai River water quality improvement needs the upstream and tributaries water quality improvement.

Key words:the Qinhuai River;mainstream and tributaries;Water quality ;Analysis
