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摘要:  长期以来,企业一旦面临质量危机,大多数采取措施的重点就是加强质量管理,或通过降价促销等手段来取悦消费者。然而随着时代的发展,企业的生产技术及产品质量趋同,产品的价格与质量已不是影响消费者购买的决定性因素,品牌对消费者有了越来越大的影响。本文从不同角度分析了产品质量危机的特征及其对企业品牌可能产生的影响,并针对产品质量危机发展的不同阶段提出了企业品牌策略选择的相关建议。

关键词:  产品质量危机 品牌策略 影响  选择


Abstract: In a long time, once the enterprise was faced with the quality crisis, the focus of the solvement is to strengthen the management of quality, or by reducing prices to please consumers. However, with the development of the times, the technology and quality of goods are convergence, the price of the product and quality has not been the decisive factor of consumers' purchase, brand has become more and more important. This paper analyses the quality of product and the characteristics of the enterprise brand crisis may affect product quality, and according to the different stages of crisis development put forward the enterprise brand strategy selection suggestions.

Key words: product quality crisis; brand strategy ; influence selection



