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摘要:江苏省对外贸易发展面临着外贸依存度过高、出口成本不断加大、人民币汇率波动等诸多风险。本文对江苏省对外贸易的发展特征进行了阐述,在此基础上分析了目前面临的主要问题,并针对目前江苏省外贸面临的严峻形势,建议企业、行业、政府要加强协作,发挥政策的引导性, ,共同推动江苏省对外贸易健康、快速发展。

关键词: 江苏省外贸; 外贸依存度;贸易结构;外贸政策


Abstract:Jiangsu province foreign trade development is faced with excessive dependence of foreign trade, export costs continue to increase, the fluctuation of RMB exchange rate and other risks. The foreign trade development in Jiangsu province features are described, based on the analysis of the main problems faced currently, and according to the foreign trade of Jiangsu province is facing a grim situation, suggested that the enterprise, industry, the government should strengthen cooperation, policy guidance, and jointly promote the Jiangsu Province, healthy, rapid development of foreign trade.

Keywords: Jiangsu ;province foreign trade dependence degree; trade structure; foreign trade policy



