
资料分类:教学研究 VIP会员(随心所欲)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-03-17
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关键词:正项级数;  收敛; 发散;不等式缩放 


Abstract:The problem of how to distinguish Positive series between convergence and divergence is very complex ,especially in terms of the form of general term . The general term needs to be magnified and minified so that it will be reducible and settled, which includes high skill. Such kind of problems often occur in the contests and the post graduate examination. This dissertation will give some approaches to solving such kind of problems by analyzing all aspects of it. Firstly, I will give a general introduction to the solutions of how to solve all kinds of positive series, then I will describe the way of how to magnify and minify in all kinds of inequality . Lastly, I will describe the detailed steps of the magnify and minify of inequality in the way of how to discriminate positive series.

Keywords: Positive series ; convergence ; divergent ; Inequality zoom 


