
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(邻座的怪同学)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-11-02
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关键字:安全与环境事故 事故统计 图表分析 聚类分析


ABSTRACT:Based on the data of recent five years, from 2008 to 2012, China’s 31 provinces and cities of safety and environmental accident, and classification of saratistical analysis, with pie chart, and clustering method by using SPSS software to process data, then discuss the occurrence regularity of safety and environmental accidents, at last, make suggestions. The charts like pie chart describe the percentage of the accidents which are classified into six categories: mining industry, traffic, explosing, leakage and poising, fire and other accidents, in order to cluster temporally and analyze the characteristics of every categorie. The line charts describes the situation of the accidents happened in the past five years, combining the data of the mortality and injury rate per 100000, the number of accident etc, forcasts the accidents for the coming year, conjectures the tendency and analyzes synthetically, so as to provide basic menterials for the research and prevention of accident, as well as important basis for making the control measures.

Keywords:Safety and environmental accident;accident statistics;Chart analysis;clustering analysis 








