
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(致青春郑微)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-08-11
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Abstract:With China's rapid economic growth, growing energy consumption and motor vehicles has increased the burden on the urban atmospheric environment in China,Urban air pollution was emerged as a major environmental problem.In the paper,the atmospheric capacity of Changzhou city was selected as the research topic of this thesis.The current situation of air quality and characteristics of air pollution of the city were evaluated by data collection and field survey.Through evaluating the actuality of the city,the main polluting gene--was confirmed.air pollution in Suzhou is more serious. particulate is the major air pollutant in Changzhou city. fossil fuel combustion, the emissions of automotive exhaust and road dust are the main pollution sources of recent years’ Particulate air pollution.The atmosphere would have an adverse effect on human beings,and to control air pollution has become a major energy-saving emission reduction measures.In this paper,aimed at the present stage of the major pollutants in the atmosphere,the basic treatment methods and preventive measures were discussed,including prevention measures of production of atmospheric pollution,control technology of atmospheric pollution,enhancing the supervision and law enforcement,etc.As for the pollutions on atmospheric particulates,indicate on the paper,there are many ways in treating the industry.However, every method has its own conditions and ranges of use. For different areas and conditions,we should choose correct ways according to the different individual needs.

Key words:particulate; fossil fuels; situations; reasons; control

