
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(阳の阳)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-29
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关键词  给水系统;消防系统 ;排水系统 ;热水系统


Abstract:The building for the Zhenjiang North Beach City residential buildings, as a 23 layer buildings, underground two layer respectively, storage room and garage, land for residential. The design of the water supply engineering design content includes indoor water supply system, hot water system, indoor fire fighting system, indoor drainage system and drainage system. Indoor water supply system using zoning water supply mode, a layer to the five layer for low area, direct water from the municipal water supply network; six to fifteen layers for central, sixteen to twenty-three layers for high, middle and high by high water supply. Fire hydrant water supply system using a temporary high-pressure water supply system, fire hydrant and sprinkler system. The construction of a high-rise buildings, fire resistance rating for a level, building height of 69.8M, according to the "Regulations" code for design of fire system of high rise civil buildings, indoor fire hydrant water 30L/s. Drainage system using sewage and waste water drainage system, living waste water directly into the municipal sewer, sewage is septic tank local processing and then into the municipal drainage pipe network. Drainage of rainwater drainage by internal drainage. Hot water supply system using circulating water pump.

Keywords  water supply system  fire protection systems  drainage system  hot water system
