
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(单旅寂人)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-10
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关键词:框架结构 设计依据 中标措施


ABSTRACT:His works for the new campus of Chongqing Institute of Technology (Eastern) A group, the project is located in Shapingba District of Chongqing University City. Chongqing Institute of Technology is the project's construction unit, construction by the China Architecture Design Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing Sichuan Yi design, construction drawings are complete. Infrastructure uses a hand-dug pile foundation.

   The project design scale: Chongqing Institute of Technology Campus (Eastern) A group, with a total construction area of ​​5606.02 square meters. Nature of the use and construction Category: 5 floors of public buildings, structure type for the frame structure, seismic fortification intensity six degrees. Fire resistance rating of two, the useful life of 50 years. The project intended duration of 186 calendar days.

   Design basis: construction and design contracts provided by Party design task book; Shapingba District, Chongqing Construction Committee approved the preliminary design, the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Fire Bureau on the preliminary design has been approved, Shapingba District, Chongqing Municipal Administration Commission for preliminary design approval, Shapingba District, Chongqing lightning Protection Center will preliminary design approval.

Keywords: Frame construction;Design basis;Successful measures

