
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(皇家戏子)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-13
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   在毕业设计中,首先结合有关规范和定额,根据工程量计算规则,手工计算了本工程第二层的土建与钢筋工程量,然后运用广联达图形算量软件(GCL2008)计算本工程全部楼层的土建工程量, 运用广联达钢筋抽样软件(GGJ2009)计算全部楼层的钢筋工程量,最后运用运用计价软件(GBQ4.0)计算出本工程造价。在毕业设计过程中,主要的难点在平法识图和定额子目列项方面。通过本次毕业设计,使我在工程识图、工程量计算、预算书编制等方面得到了系统的训练,为我以后工作打下了坚实的基础。

关键词:商务标 编制 工程量


ABSTRACT:The target of my final thesis is to calculate the bidding price and prepare the bidding documents for the project of staff apartment in Chongqing City Management College. It is located in Huxi Town, Shapingba District, Chongqing City. The owner is Chongqing City Management College. The project is designed by Institute of Architecture, Chongqing University. In this project, the piles are adopted for foundation and the upper structure is the combination of frame structure and brick building structure.       

   The bidding price is calculated based on the working drawings of architecture and structure and many codes and standards.  

   To calculate the bidding price, the quantity is calculated firstly. The manual method and software are adopted at the same time. Then the price is obtained based on the quantity and current price of labor, material and equipment.

   In the process, I have learned to how to read working drawing, how to apply the quantity calculating rules, how to search the current price of labor, material and equipment and how to prepare the bidding documents. It is helpful for me to improve my professional ability.   

Keywords: Bidding Price; Calculating; Quantity.

