
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(julu1004)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-05-12
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Abstract:Oil (gas) recovery scheme is the oil (gas) field development plan form an important part of the implementation of the scheme and core, it takes a series of engineering technology measures on the oil(gas) well and injection well to economy, effectively improving the purpose of oil and gas well production, is the important engineering technology guarantee to finish the oil field development task of crude oil production. With our country proven oil reserves grows in height, reserves grade overall declined, low permeability, thin bed, scattered block such as bound oil and gas reservoir will become the main body in the follow oil and gas field development. As the result, new technology and measure must be used to guarantee the production increased by oil and gas development. Artificial hydraulic fracturing is the most important step for low permeability reservoir, the fracture flow capacity directly affects the production after fracturing. According to the reservoir characteristics of 12-86 well, two production forecasts of are not fracturing and fracturing had be done, simulated the lifting parameter and designed both the producing parameter and pipe composition. By coMParing the results, fracturing well produces much more gas than the not fracturing well, so we designed a fracturing well gas recovery scheme, it would guide the well has a high effective production with reference value.

Key words:Oil recovery; Gas recovery; Scheme; Low permeability; Fracture. 
