
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(julu1004)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-05-12
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ABSTRACT: The beginning of this article pointes out the significance of the research, current status and research objectives, followed by spectrum analysis, time-frequency analysis method and mode filtering method ,They are new methods and new technologies of the signal analysis , and describes its concepts and principles of methods . Through the analysis of the drilling pump signals, the gear signals and the bearing signals, the paper gives the signal processing of mode filtering method and its application in engineering, describes the basic principles of mode filtering method and the engineering signal processing and also describes the operation of the separated signals. The CIS-II-type gear test rig and USOX20016 system consists of signal acquisition device .By the device, we measured the gear vibration signal data (at the same time, it attentions the structure of the signal acquisition device , working principle and the acquisition methods of the signal, the matters of  operation process), The sound and vibration measurement data document processing applications deals with the vibration signal data,getting the corresponding signal spectrum. Finally, the paper makes the instance of the fault diagnosis of gears. I make a preliminary study for the characteristic parameters of the engineering signal variation, and write a brief analysis to the corresponding graphics, which also describes the gear partial failure of several analytical methods.

KEY WORDS: signal acquisition; spectrum analysis; pattern filter method; the segmentation of primitive;period ascertaining; signal processing.
