
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(小婷)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-06-05
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Abstract:The test system is designed to study the performance of condensing units, air-cooled compression test the performance of the refrigeration system, and puts forward specific improvement measures, eventually make the system performance was optimized. 

  Test method adopts "the second refrigerants calorimeter method", its principle is the refrigerating capacity and refrigeration system produce electric heaters are exchanged heat generation, balance, measured by the electric heater and the refrigerating capacity that an indirect test method. Test system Settings are automatically data acquisition system. 

  The design of the main task is to load calculation, laboratory design room size, in overall layout. And the main part -- calorimeter test is calculated. Through the thermodynamic calculation indicates that such performance index refrigeration. And then based on heat transfer and heat exchanger design and other relevant documents, calculated evaporation coil, so as to obtain the heat transfer coefficient evaporation coil area, and its structure design. Next, the refrigeration system the throttle body and accessory equipment selection. 

Key words: Air-cooled compression ,testing system,calorimeter, refrigeration system
