
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(小婷)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-06-05
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Abstract:Energy is an important one of the problems facing mankind, energy is not rational development and utilization, and the discharge of energy consumption of the environmental pollution from these problems in people's living environment caused a great influence on the energy reduction in the world to focus on an important subject. and it is well-known that,Building energy conservation is to achieve environmental protection and conservation of energy, a major means of air conditioning, heating and energy consumption of energy consumption in the construction of a large proportion of being, to compress and air conditioning units as an important part of the compressor and the condensers of refrigeration and the necessary subsidiary device ( does not include the evaporator and throttling device ) a device, The performance with air conditioning refrigeration efficiency has a large, thereby improving the efficiency of being cut down a certain extent reduce the supply of energy, energy conservation amount consumed to achieve emissions reduction goal.

   This subject in the second refrigerant the amount of heat exchanger law as the testing methods, design can test refrigerating capacity to 2 ~ 10kW air- compression is condensation, the crew of the laboratory to be cooling down for being able to ensure that being the temperature, and vaporize temperature and other conditions in terms of facilities for compressing and cooling condensation, the crew of the performance of the parameter testing analysis, the crew to be of a compressor refrigerating capacity, and the input power to see the performance. At the same time, the laboratory in addition to implement automation operation, high precision, stability and control, test the indicators for energy also has become important to the laboratory performance criteria. pass the test laboratory and selected performance higher the air-compression  for more energy efficient condensation, the air conditioning made for energy reduction make a contribution.

Key words: Enthalpy by the lab, positive displacement referigerant compressor, secondary refrigerant calorimete
