
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(小婷)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-06-05
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关键词: 冰蓄冷,经济性分析,电价,可持续发展


Abstract:Ice storage air-conditioning system is a new technology to make balance of the electric supply , which relax the tension of the energy supply , and reduce the investment and running cost of air-conditioning system . This system has vast developmental outlook .But the affects of economic and optimization to ice storage air-conditioning system are very complex. To widen its application, more efforts should be addressed on optimal design of the ice-storage, and experimental research and the technical and economic analysis of ice-storage air conditioning has important theoretical value and practical signification. 

   This article based on such viewpoint, expatiate the ice cool-storage air-conditioning technology principle, calculation of device capacity for the ice cool-storage air-conditioning system, explain the suitable about the ice cool-storage air-conditioning running mode between load, economic analysis and comparison of the ice cool-storage air-conditioning systems, and the concrete project example introduction, expatiate the ice cool-storage air-conditioning system has the good economic efficiency.

    Finally, some considerations and suggestions, combined with the ice cool-storage air-conditioning system application exist question , are proposed.

Keywords : Ice storage,Economic Analysis,Expense of  electricity,Sustainable Development
