
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(小婷)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-06-05
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摘 要:基本建设程序规定,设计必须有概算,施工必须有预算。根据工程建设的顺序及其在工程建设中所起的作用,建筑安装工程概预算主要包括:投资估算、设计概算、施工图预算、施工预算、工程结算和竣工决算等几种。在工程的实施过程中,常用的主要有设计概算、施工图预算和施工预算。




Abstract:The procedure of the capital construction stipulated that,the design must have the budgetary estimation,the construction must have the budget.The installation work construction budget is the construction in under the construction drawing budget control, basis construction drawing and construction fixed quantity as well as construction organization plan establishment one kind of project budget. Primary coverage includs unit project resilience and man-power, material, mechanical stage class's consumption quantity. 

This article focuses on introducing the composition of the construction drawing budget and the method how to make it .What´s more , according to this method and the drawing of some construction it gets the construction drawing budget of the construction and finally reaches  the  cost of the construction.

Keyword: Budget,Construction drawing budget
