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摘  要:本文对风机盘管性能试验系统进行了设计,由于风机盘管机组作为集中式空调系统的一种末端装置,具有施工安装方便,能量调节灵活等特点,被广泛适用于宾馆、饭店等多房间的空调系统中。近年来随着风机盘管机组型式的多样化,其使用场合更加广泛。自19世纪70年代初我国开始生产风机盘管机组以来,无论数量还是质量都有了很大的提高,其主要性能指标与国外产品已无差距。但是,风机盘管机组产品存在着性能规格差异较大,产品质量良莠不齐等诸多问题。一些设备达不到设计和使用要求,行业管理部门很难对风机盘管机组质量作出定量判断,社会反响强烈。为此,我们进行了风机盘管性能试验系统设计。


   依据国内外相关标准,对风机盘管性能试验系统的进行了深入探索。该系统的建设涉及工艺、自控和计算机自动测试等专业。技术难度大, 控制参数多, 测量范围大, 精度要求极高, 试验工况复杂。

关键词: 风机盘管,性能试验,空气焓差法,试验室


ABSTRACT:This paper fan-coil performance tests on the design, because system fan-coil unit as a central air-conditioning system with end equipment, installation is convenient, flexible, and other characteristics, energy regulation is widely suitable for hotels, restaurants, etc. In the room of air-conditioning systems In recent years, with fan coil units types of diversification, its use occasions more extensive. Since the 19th century in China in the early 70s begin production since fan coil units, whether quantity or the quality had the very big enhancement, its main performance index has no gap with foreign products. But, fan coil units product performance specification differences exist, product quality problems such as the good and bad are intermingled. Some equipment can not meet the design and application requirements, industry management department is difficult to fan coil units to make quantitative judgment, quality of social repercussions strongly. Therefore, we conducted fan-coil performance test system design. 

   Because of the fan-coil laboratory studies involving intellectual property and many other factors, and open the relevant data published less. Although foreign research institutions with relatively advanced testing techniques involved, but the cost is higher; Domestic researches in working stability time, accuracy and reliability and there are certain foreign gap. In intense market competition, economic globalization today, laboratory evaluation and said the unity of science and technology method has become the urgent demand of the exchange and international trade, it makes the measurement and various countries in the results obtained than each other, can recognize each other and consensus. 

   According to the domestic and foreign relevant standards, fan-coil performance testing system has carried on the thorough exploration. The construction of this system involving process, control and computer automatic test, and other professionals. Technical difficulties, and control parameters measurement range, high accuracy requirements, test condition complex. 

Keyword: Fan coil, performance testing, air enthalpy difference method, lab
