
资料分类:工程管理 VIP会员(笑笑)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-19
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关键词: 完全分流制排水系统;UCT生化反应池;辐流式沉淀池


Abstract:Henan province D city A area drainage engineering design of rainwater and sewage pipe network design and the design of wastewater treatment plant of two parts, aims to make a summary of the contents of undergraduate course of water supply and drainage engineering.

   Henan province D city A District rainy summer, winter dry. Using completely separate drainage system. Sewage pipe network by the district collection, collection to the city's main pipe, and then enter the sewage treatment plant for processing. Rainwater pipe network according to the terrain slope, is divided into three regions, each collected rainwater directly through the main pipe is discharged into the river. Drainage pipe reinforced concrete pipe.

   Sewage treatment plant using UCT technology, to achieve 1 National A emission standards through three levels of processing the final water quality.

   Pretreatment with grille, grit chamber, composed of two sedimentation tank, coarse, fine grid dip angle is 60 degrees, the coarse grid slot length 4.2m, the fine grid slot length 3.5m, using mechanical slag. Ascension pump selection of 350S16 type single stage double suction pump 4, 3 with 1, 3 with 1 preparation.

   Rotational flow grit chamber, a group of two parts, the design flow of Q=281L/s.

   Two levels of treatment using UCT biochemical reaction tank, anaerobic tank for 2h average residence time, the volume is 4640.4m3; time of anoxic tank were stay for 2.74h, volume 4868.75m3.

   The radial flow sedimentation pool two sink the pond, pool diameter 30m, precipitate effective depth 2.86m, precipitation time 2h, the sludge bucket volume is 143.58m3. The water inlet pipe diameter 400mm, the flow rate was 0.1m/s.

   Residual sludge concentration digestion treatment, after mechanical dewatering and then sinotrans. Because the city sewage 40% water reuse, sewage after treatment 40% through the active sand filter for advanced treatment, 60% other processing is done directly discharged into water body.

   After the project put into use will greatly alleviate the problem of city waterlogging in summer, and reduce the water pollution caused by the deterioration of the environment.

Keywords: completely separate drainage system; UCT biochemical reactor;radial flow sedimentation tank;
