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   给水系统采用分区供水,低区地下一层到四层,由市政管网直接供水;高区五到十一层,采用水泵变频供水。排水系统采用污、废水合流制,排水立管设伸顶通气管,污废水通过地下室排污管排出室外。消防系统分消火栓给水系统和自动喷淋灭火系统,其中消火栓系统采用水泵水箱联合供水。给水干管、立管采用衬塑钢管,卡箍连接;表后及户内冷、热水支管采用 PP-R管,热熔连接,暗装。消火栓泵出水管至减压阀前主干管采用无缝钢管,卡箍连接;其余消火栓管均采用给水热镀锌钢管。排水立管拐弯部分以上一层起至顶层采用UPVC双壁消音管材,承插粘接口;排水立管拐弯部分以上一层起至底层及排出管采用柔性铸铁排水管;各层排水支管采用普通的UPVC排水管。


关键词 高层建筑;给水系统;排水系统;消防系统;热水系统


Abstract:This design is a general of Beijing gardens residential water supply and drainage engineering, the construction of water supply and drainage engineering for the graduation design topic, mainly completed the following design work content: building water supply system design, mainly indoor and cold water systems; Building fire water supply system design, including fire hydrant water supply system and automatic sprinkler system; Building drainage system design, including sewage and waste water system.

   Water supply system using water rationing, low area into four layers, the underground layer directly by the municipal pipe network water supply; High area five to eleven layer, use water pump frequency conversion water supply. Drainage system USES the sewage, waste water confluence system, the underlying emissions alone, set and roof ventilation tube drainage riser, polluted waste water in the basement top outdoor, side by side to check well the septic tank. Fire protection system fire hydrant water supply system and automatic sprinkler system, fire hydrant system adopts the pump tank joint water supply. Water supply system USES the pp-r water supply pipe; Hot water pipe using PP - R tube; Fire hydrant water supply system and automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system adopts the seamless galvanized steel pipes; Drainage riser using PPI spiral pipes, drainage branch pipe of each layer USES the ordinary UPVC drainage pipe.

   Carried out the scheme of the system design process, layout and calculation, as well as a variety of equipment selection, and make the project budget and Excel macro programming. With CAD drawing for each system finally plane construction drawing and system shaft side of the figure.

Keywords  High-rise building  Water supply system  Drainage system  Fire protection system  Hot water system
