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  With the information times and digital world coming, Digital signal processing got skip-type development and progress ,it had been widely used in voice and image, automatic control, aerospace, aviation, health care and household appliances,etc。 And in digital signal processing fields, digital filters and occupy the important position。 Using the signal and other signals needed to differences in spectrum can be obtained through digital filters filter clutter, keep the original signal unchanged effect。As digital filter processing signal for discrete signal, it can use to describe the difference equations ,and it use discrete transform method to analysis and processing signal, which is conducive to mathematical analysis, but also clearly describe the form of involved filter。

  Digital filter are divided into limited shock response (FIR)and infinite shock response(IIR) filter two kinds. Compared with IIR filter, the realization of FIR is recursively, it is stable. More importantly, FIR filters amplitude response in meeting frequency requirements while can acquire strict linear phase characteristic. Therefore, in high fidelity signal processing, such as digital audio and image processing, data transmission and the biomedical sciences,it is widely used.

  This article mainly studies the basic theory of digital filter, and the limited shock response digital filter, the design and implementation of FIR is analyzed and studied, this topic is MATLAB software designing FIR digital filters, then apply DSP integrated development environment- CCS debugging is simulated by simulator. 

Key words: Digital filter, FIR,MATLAB,DSP

