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关键词: 农村; 会计电算化;电算化的必然性;电算化的推行


Abstract:As social and economic development and rural financial information disclosure and actively implement democratic management in rural areas, to timely understand and grasp this information to support forecasting and decision-making, which means the existence of the original information collection, processing, storage behind with the increasing amount of information and update conflicts, and computerized accounting management in rural areas to resolve this contradiction is a powerful tool. The computer's operating manual that corresponds to more simple and fast operation, while in the information processing can be done to update the data, storage capacity and the power of logic to determine accurately. Therefore, the use of centralized computer accounting village data acquisition, processing, storage and aggregation is a necessary requirement for development of the times. On the other hand, accounting managers with the socialist market economy, the gradual deepening of reform and continuous improvement, the complex is no longer confined to traditional manual bookkeeping, afterwards, reimbursement. After the implementation of computerized accounting management in rural areas, accounting management accounting from the complex and heavy manual accounting operations, freeing more involved in daily production and operation management, production management to solve problems. Meanwhile, in order to create conditions for reducing the burden on peasants. Therefore, the implementation of computerized accounting management in rural areas, is a new situation of rural management.

Key Words:Countryside;Computerized accounting;Computerization of the necessity;Computerized implementation

