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关键词:公司治理 环境 内部审计


Abstract: In recent years after the outbreak of the financial crisis and financial problems, the problem of corporate governance has become the focus of attention, many domestic and foreign countries are aware of the need to strengthen corporate governance. In order to establish a sound corporate governance environment, China has always been committed to strengthen corporate governance. Through the introduction and study of the advanced experience of foreign countries, and establish a suitable for China's corporate governance environment internal audit system according to the situation of our country. Sources of internal audit in the accountability relationship and corporate governance, it causes the same. So with the development of corporate governance, change the elements of corporate governance, the internal auditing demand also corresponding occurrence change.

  This paper is mainly about the existence of internal audit governance environment in China under the company's problems, and the analysis of the existing problems. In view of our country company governance and internal audit situation, put forward a series of solving the internal audit on corporate governance environment suggestion. Envisaged by the research on these problems and the development trend, so as to realize the target of internal audit on corporate governance, to achieve organizational goals, social value, social harmony and stable development, the sustained and healthy development of enterprises. 

KeyWords:CorporationGovemanee  Environment  Intemal Auditing
