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关键词:钢铁行业 环境会计信息披露 问题 对策


Abstract:The society have created enormous wealth,but emerged environment seriously. Environmental accounting is suitable for the need of sustainable development, as accurate measurement and the ways reflecting costs and benefits of enterprise. In our country, the environment accounting information disclosure is still in progress.Being heavy pollution industry, steel industry development is closely related to the energy and the environmental problems .Environmental accounting information disclosure to steel industry is very representative, which will help them accurately to account the cost of enterprises production and economic benefits, carry out the social responsibility, and achieve a virtuous cycle of the economy of our country and sustainable development.,in this paper,explained the concept of environmental accounting information disclosure,characteristics, theoretical basis of their relevant patterns,content and stakeholders, focusing on the status of the steel industry environmental accounting information disclosure,come to the existence of problems and causes,and propose solutions .

Key words: steel industry  environmental accounting information disclosure  problem  solution
