
资料分类:会计论文 VIP会员(xubanban)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-01
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关键词:公允价值  公允价值计量  公允价值的应用


Abstract: In order to adapt to the need of China’s rapid economic development, the fair value measurement seems more and more important in accounting measurement. However, despite the economic environment and market conditions have been greatly improved, the application of fair value in our country is still in caution, and is strictly regulated. In this thesis, to begin with the concept of fair value, the problems existing in the implementation of fair value are discussed with the status of its application in China. In the mean time, the main factors affecting the application of fair value in China are analyzed, combined with its characteristics and related examples. Problems under the process of implementation are probed according to the accounting standards, and suggestions and recommendations are proposed with integrated views.

Key Words: fair value   fair value measurement   the application of fair value
