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关键词:成本控制  成本优势 企业运营


Abstract:With the further improvement of the market economy, enterprises are facing are increasingly fierce competition. As we all know, the main factor that determines the competitiveness of products in the market is the price of the product, and the main factor that influence the  price is the cost of production. We can only reduce the price of the product by reducing the costs. Therefore, cost control is a major aspect of modern enterprise financial management, which is also a key factor in their further development. Efficient and effective cost management can bring  enterprise a cost advantage and cost control level is directly related to the level of corporate profits and affects the operational status.  As a conclusion, enterprise business cost advantage is the primary condition for sustainable development. In order to gain a foothold in the fierce competition, enterprises should pay attention to cost control, make a real difference to improve business efficiency and optimize resource allocation with a efficient cost control system.

Key words: cost control   cost advantage   enterprise operation
