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关键词:内部控制  内部控制环境  上市公司


Abstract:Internal control occupies an important position in the modern business management, corporate self-regulation and self-restraint internal mechanism. Play a role in the internal control environment is the basis of the internal control framework, the effectiveness of the control environment to run, the soundness of the whole enterprise is directly related to the rational design of internal control and effectiveness. Currently, the Internal Control System in China is still in its infancy, relatively weak control environment, also will exhibit some inherent drawbacks. In the existing internal control theory, only the internal control environment, including the environment, while ignoring the equally important external environment. In view of this, the paper creatively external environmental factors into the internal control environment theory which describes the relationship between internal control and expansion of the internal control environment. And follow questions, analyze problems and problem-solving research ideas to research the background of China's listed companies, analysis of the current status of the internal control environment, its causes, and to propose measures and proposals, and to provide experience for listed companies to improve their internal control environment reference.

Key words:internal control  internal control environment  the listed company
