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Abstract:With the accelerating process of urbanization, urban resettlement work in one, two, three cities are prevalent, the proportion of the resettlement of communities in urban communities continue to rise. Changzhou New North Palit District Court residents' cultural level is not high, low employment level, policy is unlikely to understand the situation, passive relocation, the relocation process is divided into two batches, two groups of larger changes in the standard of compensation, after the removal of incomelittle change, but the spending has significantly improved. The district residents, due to housing conditions, a significant improvement in terms of higher satisfaction, overall satisfaction is high. To improve the placement of people in residential satisfaction can be broadly from these aspects: the Government to pay attention to the policy transition to debug the old policy under the relocatees imbalance psychological, and the construction of the completion of placement cell of the open tender construction quality and quantity of mediator; As for the community, residents' committees shall be as, improving the community status, and organize the employment entrepreneurship training, improve the employment levels; In addition allocation community residents itself should gradually change the idea, pay attention to the community construction, and strengthen the neighborhood interaction, and promote harmonious neighborhood.

Key words:resettlement communities; resident satisfaction; Changzhou Xingbei; relocation compensation





