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Abstract:Urban old-age security is an important aspect of the social old-age security in China, which plays an irreplaceable role in the protection of the city rights of the elderly. But with the trend of population aging is becoming more serious, the contradiction between the development of industrialization and urbanization and changes in family structure, pension demand and supply have become increasingly prominent, the pension problems of the elderly has become our social existence can not be ignored. Mainly for the urban old-age security bottlenecks: the role of government is not in place, lack of funding; lack of urban old-age security system to protect; pension practitioners of professional quality is not high; residents do not have sufficient knowledge of and attention on pension. In order to ensure that the urban elderly can enjoy their twilight years, our government should overcome the following aspects: the clear role of the Government, the Government should play organizers, instructors and managers role; improve the urban pension system, and strengthen the relevant legislation; pension professional quality of employees; shift the residents of old-age concepts, foster respect for the elderly, pension, love the old social atmosphere.

Key words: Urban Elder Security; Bottleneck; Overcome






