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Abstract:Recent "Guo Mei Mei" Red Cross Society of China to the forefront of public opinion, charitable institutions lack credibility has once again caused the general public of issues such as heat, charity once again become the focus of attention. Charity is the essential feature of public welfare and social, so it is the credibility of survival and development of its "lifeline". If the charitable organization loses credibility, charitable organizations, like water without a source, like a tree without roots, loss of vitality. Analysis of present situation of Chinese charity organization credibility, explore the causes of decline in its credibility. Learning from foreign experience, combined with the realities of our charity, through clear and the relationship between the government, strengthening the self-construction of charitable organizations, improve the supervision of charitable organizations, improve the self-regulatory mechanisms of charitable organizations, strengthening of legislation, public information for charitable organizations, and other ways to improve the credibility on the wane of the charitable organization. Perfecting China charity governance, enhance transparency of charitable organizations, make to the operation of the charitable organization and effective supervision to rebuild public confidence in charitable organizations, promote the sound development of charitable organizations. Therefore, credibility of charitable organizations during social transformation in China conducted a comprehensive study, maintain social stability, promote social welfare for members of, and improving the people's livelihood, promote social progress will be of real significance .

Key words: charitable organization;credibility;crisis; handling




