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Abstract:Family education is a worldwide topic. Family education has an influence on the development of parent-child two generations. China has its own unique national condition. In terms of family education, it is different from other countries. At present, there are still many problems in the Chinese family education. People are used to ignoring the skills and potential on the intellectual, lacking rationality on aesthetic, ignoring physical exercises on sports and being lack in moral education. The target of family education is the younger generation, but it gives both parents and children huge negative impacts. The negative impacts on children are various. Firstly, children are always tamed by parents. Secondly, everything is arranged by parents. Thirdly, parental authority can not be shaken. Fourthly, the privacy of children is not respected. Fifthly, pressure from study is huge. Sixthly, sound personality can not be shaped. Negative impacts on parents include loss of self, the higher expectations, the more disappointed, and not being understood by children. Therefore, we should focus on reforming from the following aspects, the first is for educational purposes, changing "taught" education to "adult" education, followed by the educational content, changing "one-sided" education to a "comprehensive" education, and finally education methods, changing the "bundle" education to a "liberal" education, and changing the "closed" education for the education of the "open".

Key words: Chinese Family Education; Parent-child Relationship; Negative Impact





