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Abstract:With the enlarging of the space and room of human beings’ activities, any artificial or natural crisis could catch attention of public and enlarged incessantly, then become the public crisis. There are so many public crisis taking place in every country in the world which is an austere tribulation to their governments. Public crisis has a more extensive range of spread. The public crisis has two obvious characteristics, which are outburst and emergency. And it decided that the government manage department have to make the crisis decision in a very short time. The decision in crisis may centralize the public power, and also it can be very flexible. We need to make crisis decisions according to legality, exactness punctuality and transparency. Saying to our country, there are so many problems in the crisis policy making, which are including that we can not confirm the crisis and also we can not make crisis decision in time. All these problems are related with the emergency and unsure of the crisis, and the lack of abilities of our decision-makers also need to take the responsibility. There are so many measures we should take to aim at those problems. We need to improve the crisis consciousness of the decision-makers and the citizen, we should constitute the presentiment system, communication system and the legal system. At the same time, we have to reinforce the construction of consultant institution. According to this, we can improve the efficiency of crisis decision and deal with the public crisis more effectually.

Key words: crisis; public crisis management; public policy; policy making




