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关键词:住房消费; 住房浪费; 阶层


Abstract: Housing consumption mainly refers to people’s consumption on housing investment and using in order to maintain their own survival and development. Nowadays, the proportion of housing consumption is getting bigger in the consumption structure of all members of the society. With the development of urbanization, lots of rural social members choose to work in the cities, and the social differences emerged for the housing choice. Because of a lot of studies are concentrated in the housing consumption in the city, less were on rural housing consumption, from the angle of sociology, the author devotes to the study of the problem of rural class housing consumption and housing waste through questionnaire survey to members of the home in rural society, and to give suggestions, according to the specific details, to improve the situation, which might play an important role in enhancing the rural housing consumption level, in improving rural living environment, in the rational use of land resources as well as in the construction of socialist new countryside. 

Keyword: housing consumption; housing waste; social stratum


  随着改革开放的推入以及市场经济的发展与农村经济社会的变革,当代中国农民作为一个比较庞大的社会利益群体,他们的内部发生了多次层级的变化。现今对于中国农民的分层研究取得了丰厚的成果,如高建民在其调查研究中提出,按照经济基础、生产方式、生活方式的不同,将农村社会成员分为:农业生产者、农民企业家、在乡农民工、进程农民工、农村基层管理者、农村服务业者、农村手工业者七大类;[ 高建民.中国农民概念及其分层研究[J].河北大学学报.2008(4)]唐忠新按照经济收入标准把中国的农民分为:新富阶层、中等收入阶层和贫困者阶层。总的来说,农村社会成员之间的阶层分化是越来越精细化与复杂化的。

