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【关键词】 养老现状    养老模式    机构养老


【Abstract】As we all know, the family pension is a traditional pension. However, with the continuous progress of industrialization, urbanization and modernization, the functions of the family pension gradually be separated out, it gradually into specialized sectors of society. Family into the family pension supply cost more than the cost of social provision, because the impact of specialization economies and economies of scale lead to the emergence of social institutions pension is an inevitable trend. Licheng Town Ma pad apartments for the elderly, carried out research as an example, interviews and field observations to investigate and study the Li River town of horse pad apartments for the elderly in the institutional pension status quo, and reviewed the relevant literature to find lack as well as improved methods. But the old-age solution to the problem does not happen overnight, can not rely on a way can be radically improved, it needs a diversified pension system, to meet the different needs of different groups of people pension.

【Key words】 Pension Situation    pension    institutional pension


