
资料分类:社会工作 VIP会员(pengfan)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-04-06
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关键字:品牌发展; 战略; 扬子晚报


Abstract:Agricultural economic competition in the era of land and industrial competition era is the machine, and the competition in today's era of rapid development of information technology is the brand. Today's main city newspaper of today's newspaper market with respect to the stability of the party newspapers and Government support, metropolitan newspapers must seek a breakthrough in income-generating capacity and brand-building, to comes top in the fierce market competition, urban development, brand first, an economic and cultural development of the city, there is a match of cultural branding. This paper mainly introduces the Yangzi evening news as Nanjing culture and brand development, including brand features and advantages and disadvantages of the Yangzi evening news, and future development trend and application based on the mentality of a faithful reader.

Key Words: Brand development;  Strategy;  Yangtse evening post
