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ABSTRACT:In recent years, the tertiary industry has become the driving force of the world economy, China's catering industry has also been a huge space for development, food and beverage industry is a perfectly competitive market, low trade barriers and fierce competition. Most businesses will enhance the emphasis on enterprise services and hardware upgrades, including high-quality customer service to attract more customers and become an important business development strategy. Now staff not simply sell their services, but in the service of the process using a positive attitude to infect customers. This requires employees in the work process requires not only physical, but also need mental emotional labor. Food and beverage industry is a higher interaction of the industry, so the service personnel expressed by language and behavior as a product will affect the hotel's image in the customer mind, therefore, the hotel staff focus on improving the quality of service line is the trend, thereby improving Hotel's competitiveness, highlighting the competitive advantage.

    In this study, employee emotional labor strategy as a starting point to study the antecedents of the individual variables and outcome variables and emotional labor policy relevance. Study prepared Virginia Polytechnic University, Jiangnan University, finishing the translation and human resource management and employee - organization relationship questionnaire. Zhangye Yixiang Park Hotel as a sample case, staff questionnaires and statistics, and then analyzed using statistical software SPSS19.0, and the following conclusions;

    Results of training and learning opportunities for employees are more or hotel more specific assessment of job performance evaluation, the more inclined to adopt in the work surface to play. Staff from the organization's work to get more autonomy, or organizations to provide better development prospects, the more inclined to adopt at work deep play, staff salary satisfaction plays no relationship with select surface; But if employees have higher salaries satisfaction, then they are more willing to choose to play deeper. Employees with job satisfaction higher the more happiness, more inclined to adopt in the work surface to play, but not with whether to take deep play no significant relationship. Staff turnover intention, the greater the surface will be used to play, especially for surface charge play, play with whether to take the deep there was no significant relationship.

Keywords: emotional labor   job variable   surface acting    deep acting

