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ABSTRACT:As the proportion of tertiary industry in the industrial structure became much larger, to gain sustained competitive advantage, service industry began to shift attention to the "emotional labor". This study is based on both conducting a survey on social culture and the reality of our country, adopting the questionnaire survey of empirical research methods, frontline staff's emotional labor and its influence factors in order to understand their emotions’ expression of the present situation.What’s more,this study will cause the attention of managers on employees' emotional labor,enable the hotel's human resources department to provide some suggestions on the practice.

   This research combines theoretical research and empirical methods, firstly collecting  related literature data about hotel frontline staff's emotional labor and its influence factors ; Secondly analyze the status of emotional labor through the questionnaire survey and in-depth interview , also explore human resource policy and pay satisfaction,using which as the dependent variable effects on surface acting and deep acting, surface acting and deep acting as well as the impact on outcome variables of happiness and turnover intention ; Finally give practical suggestions to the human resources department .

   Research conclusion: post standard and performance evaluation, development opportunities and prospects, happiness, the turnover intention are associated with surface acting , otherwise training and learning opportunities, care and support, job specification and performance evaluation, salary satisfaction are relevant to deep acting .

Key words: emotional labor; surface acting ; deep acting; human resource management

