
资料分类:社会工作 VIP会员(在职研究生)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-10-20
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ABSTRACT:Differentiated competitive tactics belongs to one of tactical branches proposed by the world's famous master ,Michael Potter.It is one of the basic strategy of a enterprise.Due to fierce competition in the job market, college student career programming is not optimistic and vocational guidance is also facing challenges,which vigorously need a theory to adapt to China's current situation.Career planning needs to consider self-cognition and enterprise's needs.College students have common problems,that is,their career planning is lack of effective theoretical guidance and their courses do not combine the personalized needs with specific practice.In order to help the graduates improve competitiveness,differentiated competitive tactics should be introduced to college students' career planning guidance to foster college students' differentiated skills.Selection and training of differentiated ability should pay attention to exploring the students' interest and hobbies."One Helps One" employment concept can be introduced.and cultivating differentiated skills shoul be reflected in the employment market.Differentiated competitive strategy is aimed to enhance the competitiveness of college students,making us college students better adapt to the society,and give themselves an advantage in the career planning.

Keywords:College students;Career planning guidance;Differentiated competitive ;Tactics;Differentiated skills




