
资料分类:社会工作 VIP会员(在职研究生)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-10-20
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ABSTRACT:Along with the shifting of our country economy operation mode and patterns of national education, the employment situation of college students is not optimistic, female college students face more and more difficulties in employment. Professional quality is the basis of the female college students career development, it’s also necessary for female college students' job. Female students professional quality is closely related to their career planning, a good career planning must have good professional quality, while a clear and reasonable career planning can also help female students to improve the professional quality better. Female students on campus life and learning, should actively participate in practical activities to develop good professional quality, good career planning as early as possible, in order to lay the foundation for future career development. Although domestic colleges and universities are concerned about female students professional quality training and career planning guidance, but our female college students’ professional quality still does not completely meet the requirements of society.Their career planning is not very clear and reasonable. Therefore, the study of female college students currently professional quality training and career planning is meaningful to improve the overall quality of female students, and is also significant to  female students to enhance the competitiveness.

Keywords: Female College Students;Professional Quality;Career Planning




