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摘要:在我国的经济及文化背景下,当今医疗行业环境日益复杂,对于医务工作者来说,他们面临的工作压力巨大,医患关系紧张,其工作情绪劳动 便成为了一个十分突出值得关注和研究的问题。本研究的实际含义是,能够认可情绪劳动表现,为确保医护人员情绪劳动及工作满意度提供了科学依据及参考,向管理者提供有效的建议,以便更好地提高我国医务服务工作质量。 





ABSTRACT:Under the background of our country's economy and culture, in today's healthcare environment increasingly complex, for medical workers, they are faced with work pressure big, the doctor-patient relationship nervous, its work emotional labor has become a very outstanding issues worthy of attention and research. The practical implications of this study was to recognize emotional labor, emotional labor and job satisfaction in order to ensure the staff, provides scientific basis and reference to managers provide effective Suggestions, in order to better improve the quality of medical service in our country.

  workers emotional labor, in-depth to explore the medical labor workers job satisfaction, emotional work, human resource policy awareness and gender, age, culture level effect on emotional labor. Article USES questionnaire survey to the city, a large hospital in front-line health workers a questionnaire investigation, based on the 204 effective questionnaire, on the basis of the data, using SPSS software carries on the careful analysis of the comparison. Results found: job satisfaction, human resource policy awareness and emotional engagement on emotional labor has a significant effect, and different cultural degree, different age and different gender of engagement of health labor workers and have obvious differences on pay satisfaction, dimensions of emotional labor and job satisfaction, and the relevance of the human resource policy perception, emotional engagement is very significant.

  Finally, this study concluded that: (1) emotional engagement with emotional labor surface play a significant negative correlation, emotional engagement can be negative predict emotional labor surface play; (2) job satisfaction and deep emotional labor plays a significantly positive correlation, and job satisfaction can predict deep emotional labor plays positive; (3) employee development opportunities and space, associated with deep emotional labor plays a positive employee development opportunities and Spaces can be positively predicted emotional labor deep play; (4) the cognitive and emotional labor team employees play a significant positive correlation, the cognitive can positively predict emotional labor staff team to play; (5) men and women there are differences between the medical staff's emotional labor and job satisfaction, and the men than women generally; (6) staff with different cultural degree of emotional labor and job satisfaction have significant differences in diversity. (7) in the intensity of emotional labor and job satisfaction dimensions, medical workers have some obvious differences of different ages.

Keywords: Emotional labor; Medical workers; Emotional engagement; Job satisfaction; Human resource policy awareness

