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ABSTRACT:This paper want to use human resource management knowledge to solve a worsening doctor-patient relationship problems, after the analysis of the current situation of the doctor-patient relationship, trying to find out the factors that may affect the doctor-patient relationship and analyzed the hospital in human resources management will bring what impact to the doctor-patient relationship, thus to improve the doctor-patient relationship is given, the construction of a harmonious doctor-patient relationship of human resource management countermeasures and carried on the detailed analysis.

   Books described in human resource management are applied to common enterprise, and the background of this thesis is the hospital human resource management discussions, so first of all, analyze the different characteristics of the hospital is different from ordinary enterprises, including hospitals, hospital human resources, the "customer", apply for human resources management.

   Characteristics on the analysis of the implementation of human resource management unit, this paper analyzes the doctor-patient relationship status quo, this paper summarizes the present status of the issue, and in human resources management to find out the influence on the doctor-patient relationship, in order to find out the breach of the problems and solutions.

   Then, to eventually put forward human resources management strategy, analyzes the problems existing in the human resources management, and produce analysis of the causes of the problems began.

   This article last part is the key, gives the solution to the argument in this paper, the use of human resources management knowledge, according to recruitment, training, performance, salary four concrete measures of improving the doctor-patient relationship, the module.

Key words: Hospital; Human resource management; The doctor-patient relationship.

