
资料分类:理工论文 VIP会员(好久不见)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-11-27
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关键词:转化思想; 数字特征; 对立事件; 超几何分布; 正态分布


Abstract: The ideological transformation is one of the basic concepts in mathematics. In the course of mathematics learning, the ideological transformation is applied widely, especially in the learning of Probability. The Probability is a subject studying on stochastic phenomena of statistical regularity and involves rich ideological transformation. The probability is widely existed in nearly all the subjects, which determines the special and important meaning of this course. The paper mainly refers how to transform the complicated to the simple by combining the law of mathematics, relative formula and the ideological, which intends to better apply the Probability to the practical life.

Key words: The ideological transformation; the numerical characteristics; complementary events; hyper geometric distribution; gauss distribution




