
资料分类:管理学院 VIP会员(莉雅)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-03
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关键词: 品牌效应, 品牌的知名度, 购买方向, 品牌的精神


Abstract:The value and benefit of a single product will decrease when the time runs. But the influence of the Brand will continue and increase srongly as time goes by. Under the conditions of market economy,the high Brand Awareness state that the wide incidence of the Brand, the high awareness and dependence of the Brand, the strong desire of buying.The Strong Brand will direct the purchase of the consumer and stimulate the volume of sale.

The quality of the product should be the first thing of branding.The second thing should be the Brand Awareness.But the enterprises always missed the important thing,the Brand Spirit. Only with the spirit and culture of the brand, the Brand Awareness will continue.

Key Words:Brand Awareness, dependence of the Brand, volume of sale , Brand Spirit





